Sunday, 21 October 2012


            As a conclusion, using the technology in Human Resource Management (HRM) will help managers arrange and manage their employees effectively and efficiently. In other hand, Human Resource Information System (HRIS) give many advantages to the companies and employees itself. Employee also can access the system by themselves which is self-service to improve and develop their productivity in performance management.

            For the company whether multination, international, global and transnational company, the system will help them to decrease the cost and more efficient in term of time management to be more productive. Although the system is very easy to use and the report is easy to get to help manager in decision making process. 

Blog 3: Human Resource Recruiting and Staffing

             This topic explains about how recruitment and staffing happen in organization. Recruitment and staffing is two different meaning. Recruitment in human resource is to hire people in the organization. Recruitment also is the process to choose and select the right person, to the right place and at the right time. In other words, to promote an employment which are effective candidate, develop partnership and to reduce recruiting time and cost.

            According to Rajkumar (2004), recruitment is the searching and attracting of competence candidates to fill the position advertised. There are two types of recruitment which are internal recruitment and external recruitment. There are several objectives of the recruitment which are save the cost of filling the job opening, speed of filling job vacancies, psychology contract fulfillment and diversity of diversity applicants.

            Nowadays, global organizations have systems to remain competitive in their operation. For the recruitment employees, they have an e-recruitment which is the system that process employees’ recruitment using electronic resources. The e-recruitment helps global organization to select the right person easily, save cost and time. However, before use the system employees should know how the system works and how to use the system effectively.  

          However, staffing is the part of management and concern with obtaining, utilizing and maintaining a satisfaction workforce among employees. In staffing process there are identifying, assessing, placing, evaluating and also developing employees at workplace. Staffing also help organization to establish and maintain the personal relation at every level in organization.    Staffing include managing the flows of people into organization or to retaining them to the workplace. Staffing has several components to represent steps and activities to the flows. The chat shows the components of staffing.

         In Human Resources Information System (HRIS), help the company in recruitment and staffing organizing to the system.  HRIS model involves three components to access the report easily which are input subsystems, HRIS database and output subsystem. All the input or information will be process in HRIS database, and finally the report will occur in output subsystem.

1)  K.Rajkumar, (2004), Recruiting and Retaining Employees. Pelanduk Publications (M) Sdn Bhd. Selangor.
2) Gupta C.B. (1999), Management and Organization. Sultan Chand and Sons Publisher.
3) Herbert G Heneman and Timothy A. Judge. (2006). Staffing Organizations. Mendota House, Inc. New York. 

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Blog 2 : Transnational Human Resource Systems


               From this topic, I have learnt about the globalization in human resources information system. So, what is the globalization? According to Stonehouse et al, (2004), the word globalization is referring to the global development or worldwide business activities, competition among business and also national economics global independence.

             Human Resource Information System (HRIS) gives the companies benefits in their operations. However, organization operations are in different way because they are several types of organizations. This type of organization also has different size, goal, operation, networking and so on.

            How HRIS organize and the companies and systems? In fact, transnational model in HRIS is the combination of three models which are Multinational, Global, International and Transnational. According to Beaman (2000), Multinational can be labelled as ‘Multiheaded Moster” approach. This is because this type of company is the one that manages a portfolio of multiple, national system, allowing local operations. It also an independent organization which is distinct organizations is national boundaries. In addition, multinational is the localization and customization type. It suitable for the large company likes IBM, Oracle, Nintendo, and Wal-Mart.

            This model suggests that all power and authority are extremely centralized.  This type also takes an efficiency approach to manage HRIS. According to Barlett and Goshal (1989), the global company centralize key functions including marketing and finance. For instance Japanese firm which is Kao and NEC, they create the new technology products and spread it to their subsidiaries.  Next model is international model which is takes a learning and sharing approach to implementing HRIS with transferring the knowledge and skills to local organization. This model has many advantages to the organization. There are centralized control and process and at the same time sharing the best practice across the local business.

            The last model is Transnational model; combination of earlier three model. This model basically implemented in large companies with various in term of cultures. This model provides a product that designed to be globally competitive and adapted by local subsidiaries and market demands. However, transnational strategy is the combination of global configuration and coordination of business activities. The strategies consist:

  •          Global knowledge is based on competence access to global markets.
  •          Extensive participation in world market
  •          Activities of global coordination and integration
  •          Requirement of local responsiveness
  •          Structure and organization differentiation

1) Barlett C.A and Ghosal S. (1998) Managing Across the Border: The Transnational Solution. Hutchinson, Business Books.
2) Karen Beaman and Alfed J. Walker, (2000) Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model.
Yip, G.S. (1992) Total Global Strategy – Managing for Worldwide Competitive Advantages. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
3) George Stonehouse, David Campbell, Jim Hamill and Tony Purdie, (2004) Global and Transnational Business, Strategy and Management. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. England.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Blog 1: Information and Competitive Advantages

Nowadays, many companies are striving to be more competitive in business field. Therefore, information system of the company is one of the key to be successful. According to Pfeffer (1994), an information system can be defined as a combination of people’s activities in organization. The activities are like supporting organization’s operation, management and also decision making in term that people must be connected with the software called system. The information systems are used to connect the people’s activities in the matter of processes, data and technology.
According to A. Taebrejad (2008), Information technology may affect the competitive advantages. This is because information technology is changing the company’s operations. It will change the whole company’s process to create the products. However, organization can achieve sustainable competitive advantages using information technology to fulfill business requirement. Based on survey in Unites State of America, top managers have been asked about the role of information technology in organization success. They believed that more than 79% of information technology had a vital role in organization success.

Figure 1 : The Role Of Information Technology Success According To The Top Managers Of Some Companies In The U.S.A
As we know the information technology will affect the competitive advantages. The competitive advantages is one of the strategies in strategic management. These advantages are developed by differentiating an organization in business compared to other competitor’s opinion through stakeholder and customers. From other resource, it stated that the way management manage their people is more important because many sources of competitive success are less powerful. Therefore, companies should develop a different strategy in order to remain the competitive successfully.However, how the companies organize the system to be remain competitive? In business, there are several competitive force that may affect the company’s operations. Thus, company should develop strategies to handle these forces which are:

1) Rivalry of competitors within its industry 
2) New entrants into an industry 
3) Substitute products that may capture market share 
4) Bargain the power of customers 
5) Bargain the power of suppliers 

There are several competitive strategy has been introduced to companies. Which are:

1) Cost leadership
2) Differentiation Strategy 
3) Innovative Strategy 
4) Growth Strategy 
5) Alliance Strategy

All these strategies will help companies to remain their competitive to be more successful by using technology information system. But, it depends on how the companies strategy to organize them either in products, services or capabilities.

References :

1) Jeffrey Pfeffer. (1994). Competitive advantanges through people. American National Standard. USA
2) A.Talebrejad. (2008). The Role and Effect of Organization Technology in the Creation and Maintanance of Sustainable Competitive Advantages. Shahid Beheshti University

Saturday, 6 October 2012

About Myself.


Assalamualaikum, firstly my name is Fatimah Hamizah binti Sulaiman. I’m from Kuala Terengganu that famous with Pantai Batu buruk and Keropok Lekor. I’m a final year student of bachelor science of Human Resources Development at UTM. Before this, I already finished my Diploma in Technology Management at UTM Kuala Lumpur for 3 year. Then, I decided to further study in bachelor science of HRD because it’s my dream to become a trainer and want to help people in their career development, insyaAllah. Since I studied in UTM Skudai, it’s very surprising because Skudai campus is much bigger than UTM KL campus. More facilities are provided, and this is a real student life that I had with more challenges. I’m deeply interested in photography field and I always work hard to make a good photo quality. Same goes to my dream, I’ll work hard to make my dream comes true. InsyaAllah.